Chapelet De La Mesiricorde= Divine Merci Chaplet

Divine Mercy for the sake of YOUR SORROWFUL Passion Have Mercy ON US AND THE WHOLE WORLD

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

My Bridge To Heaven was built From Spiritual Insights Mary -JESUS- Joseph are truly Our Bridge To Heaven Bridging The Gap between GOD The Father and Mankind and making a way for us to ETERNAL LIFE I built this bridge with a logging truck as a replica of the one in Mansfield Quebec on my property adjoining The Ottawa River MY BRIDGE TO HEAVEN WILL TAKE YOU ON A TRECK that will last FOREVER if you wish to Join The Body Of Christ and The Communion of Saints in THESE PROPHETIC END TIMES

Monday, December 11, 2023

Pas seulement le FRANCHOPHONE ni une Province c'est CLARE

Nous combattons les mauvaises esprit pas seulement dans le monde mais dans L'univers avec la grace de NOTRE SEIGNEUR JESUS CHRIST

Friday, December 8, 2023

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Monday, September 18, 2023

How it works : The Guidance from Heaven

Focus on Jesus coming in Discard all that is evil Jesus has conquered and you need only focus on HIM and His Divine Mercy
What came first is our Creator and HE IS THE FIRST AND THE LAST "Praise Be To OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN"

Thursday, May 4, 2023

La Ville De Quebec Avec Dumas

Discover Quebec For and With The Blind Including FR. SMith> Quebec City is an Historical City for Canada and THE NEW WORLD You are invited to participate in a SPIRITUAL JOURNEY and Renewal A few facts as we begin our Pilgrimage : Pointer Number one "GOD IS MORE REAL THAN YOU ARE"Jesus and Mary and Joseph constitute OUR BRIDGE TO HEAVEN I am not the Duma of Russia I am The DUMAS (With an S celebrating My SAVIOUR) I actually built a bridge to Heaven, presently flooded by the way. We had a beauttiful calm surreal warm day and Father Smith and I performed a small ceremony:Dedicating 5 areas with holy water as a Thank You To The Heavenly Father for His Appeal To Heaven merciful reprocity of my prayer. Perhaps it is wise to let the appointed ministers do their job ? Heaven Only Knows ? I took the 5th VIAL Of Holy Water and poured it in the creek beneath with the Prayer "May this water flow all over the world! " (or something like that ) Moral of the story I initiated a World Wide RENEWAL (Perhaps ? Heaven Only Knows ?) Seriously In Good Faith LET US ALL JOIN IN THE DIVINE MERCY"S PRESENCE AND CLAIM THE VICTORY OF JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR COME HOLY ONE GATHER AND REDEEM YOUR SHEEP for THIS IS THE DAY FOR WHICH WE WERE MADE